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Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 12th! Send a heartfelt card she’ll get right on time. Schedule now.
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Affordable Christmas cards

Save time and money with easy Christmas templates you can customize and send in a snap. From playful to heartfelt sentiments, you have plenty of options.

Text message invites are here

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* SMS delivery available for US phone numbers only.

It’s the season of holiday greetings and warm wishes. With our easy design tools, customizable templates, and creative designs you can easily send affordable online Christmas cards. Pick something playful and fun with clever wordplay or puns, or go for sincere sentiment for that warm and fuzzy feeling. Sending a card to colleagues? Choose from a variety of designs with professional messages and sleek flourishes like minimalist typography, calligraphy, embossed details, or hand-drawn illustrations. If you’re sending a card to friends and family, why not add a photo of your family (even if it’s only the furry family members)?

From snowmen and Santa to snowscapes and presents, choose the design that reflects your personality. We give you a starting point for what to say (and you can leave it as is), but personal embellishments are always encouraged. If you have the time, add a personalized note to each card. Make changes to fonts and colors as you wish, then check it twice to make sure it’s perfect. Whether your list of recipients is super short or pretty long, importing their email addresses or phone number is easy. Better yet, you can use a guest or recipient list from any of your previous Paperless Post creations.

Once you hit send, start thinking about any other holiday greetings or invites you’ve had on your to-do list. We have plenty of New Year’s Eve invitations and Christmas party invitations to choose from as well.