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Text message invites are here

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* SMS delivery available for US phone numbers only.

When the mood is casual, or when the event isn’t quite your usual party, or when the planning time is… seconds, even the easiest, most helpful traditional invitation isn’t going to be exactly what you need. That’s why we developed Paperless Post Flyer—an easy way to make an expressive, beautiful event page that’s as flexible as your plans.

Now, you won’t be doing this all on your own. Your event is entirely your invention, but we offer a beautiful way to start your design. You’ve just got to set the Vibe. Vibes are our kind of visual “themes”—they come with a color palette, suggested images (including animated GIFs), stickers, and other visual treats that get you in the party mood. Nothing’s too prescriptive, but you’ll find ideas for summer events outdoors, themed parties, pre-ceremony wedding celebrations, and even Vibes perfect for professional events and gatherings.

Making your Flyer is almost too easy. Just enter the details, and in theory: you’re done. Really! But if you need more functionality than just a free splash page, we have some ideas. Our “blocks” can be used for a lot of things, and more functions are on their way. Right now, you can add maps and directions, supplementary text (perfect for event timeline details), and gift registries. Those registries can come from any retailer, by the way, so by all means, start feathering your nest.

Now, it wouldn’t be a party if people didn’t show up. Sending your Flyer is just as simple as any invitation—maybe even simpler. You can quickly send it out via email, using your contacts as usual. But what if you want a really big audience? Or you’re not really sure of everyone’s emails? We’re thrilled to say that we now offer personalized, shareable links to your Flyer page. Use your personalized, shareable link anywhere you can put a hyperlink. Text your friends the link, send it via WhatsApp, or any other social platform you use.

You can lead a guest to a party, but you’ve still got to buy drinks. That’s why we built a new RSVP tracking function that’s unique to Flyer. Guests who are dead set on coming can add their names, and if you let them, however many plus-ones they’re bringing. This may not account for every one—but unexpected guests make for the best kinds of parties.