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Home/Designers/Linda & Harriett/Linda & Harriett holiday

Illustrator Liz Libre named her design studio for her mother and great-grandmother, who both inspired her creatively. Following in their footsteps, she creates painterly cards perfect for celebrating family life.

51 Results
Holiday Windowpane Border - Linda and Harriett EnvelopeHoliday Windowpane Border by Linda and Harriett

Holiday Windowpane Border

Linda and Harriett

Kaleidoscopic Christmas (Greeting)

Linda and Harriett

Merry Merry XOXO

Linda and Harriett

La La La

Linda and Harriett

Pine Mantel

Linda and Harriett

Hedera (Greeting)

Linda and Harriett

Pine Mantel (Photo)

Linda and Harriett

So Very Merry

Linda and Harriett

Merry Christmas Wreath Horizontal

Linda and Harriett

Hedera (Invitation)

Linda and Harriett

Hedera (Photo)

Linda and Harriett

Pollencone Frame

Linda and Harriett

Peaceful Greetings

Linda and Harriett

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