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Formal ball invitations

Whether it's a black tie affair or a masquerade party, our beautiful, customizable formal ball invitations will help you host with ease. RSVP tracking included.

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From classical ballroom dancing to themed masquerade balls, formal balls should ooze exquisiteness right from the start. For your guests, the very first glimpse at what your event will have to offer comes from your formal ball invitation. That's why it is imperative to choose a formal invitation template that sets a standard for what your guests are to expect on the night. The perfect formal ball invitation will evoke a flurry of excitement for your function and have people darting to the RSVP button!

Stylish formal ball invitation templates

A formal ball invitation created through Paperless Post is the stylish starting point that your ball deserves. Offering sleek and sophisticated styling and customization options that allow you to add all your essential information, your perfect formal ball invitation is just a few clicks away! Our library of templates contains something for everyone, with an extensive range of designs meticulously created by our in-house team and delightful designer offerings from the minds of Oscar de la Renta, Jonathan Adler, and more.

Creating a formal party invitation online

At Paperless Post, we understand that our customers have different needs regarding invitation design. That's why we offer a variety of pre-designed options as well as the ability to upload your own design. This way, you can still make use of our powerful follow-up tools while ensuring that your design meets your specific needs. Just upload your design, follow a few simple steps, and voila - you'll have a perfectly customized invitation ready to be sent out to all your guests!

Formal ball invitation wording

As the name suggests, formal balls are sophisticated events. When it comes to your formal ball invitation wording, Aim to write your invitation in an elegant tone to set the right expectations for your event. If it fits your theme, consider adding a lighthearted comment or two so your invitation will stick in recipients' minds. Maybe add a playful nod to guests needing their dancing shoes or a witty pun about your event's fine wine selection. Whatever you choose, make sure it reflects the overall atmosphere you want for your formal ball.

Decorating for a formal ball

Your formal party invitation has wowed your guests, and now the expectations are high for your function. To make your event one to remember, deck out your venue with accessories that fit your theme and create the ideal party atmosphere. If you are looking for fantastic decorations that will have your attendees reminiscing about your event for years to come, we can help. Paperless Post Party Shop offers a comprehensive range of party décor that will have your space glowing. Looking for table dressings? We have various ranges available, or maybe you want some balloons and confetti to add a pop of color? You won't believe how many options we have on offer! So if you are looking for a one-stop shop for party accessories supplies, look no further.

Want to provide some unique fun for your guests? Why not consider hiring a photo booth for your ball? Your guests will have a blast bundling into the booth and pulling funny faces for the camera. And the best part? They will have a memento to take home to remember their fun night!